id: user-stats title: Get User Stats meta: Overview of the user stats endpoint of the Infinite Flight Live API order: 8 contributor: sqeezelemon #

Get User Stats #

Retrieve user statistics for up to 25 users at once, including their grade, flight time and username.

Resource #


Authorization #

Include your API key (<apikey>) by either:

Parameters #

Request Content-Type: application/json

Name Located in Description Required Schema
userIds POST request body An array of user ID strings retrieved from another endpoint No* [string (uuid)]
discourseNames POST request body An array of IFC Usernames. Not case sensitive. No* [string]
userHashes POST request body An array of user hashes retrieved in-app or from another endpoint. All letters must be upper case. No* [string]

*At least one search parameter is required

Sample Body #

  "userIds": [
  "discourseNames": [
  "userHashes": [

Response #

Sample Response #

  "errorCode": 0,
  "result": [
      "onlineFlights": 2449,
      "violations": 102,
      "xp": 572128,
      "landingCount": 898,
      "flightTime": 45983,
      "atcOperations": 548,
      "atcRank": 7,
      "grade": 5,
      "hash": "5F0973A9",
      "violationCountByLevel": {
        "level1": 102,
        "level2": 0,
        "level3": 0
      "roles": [
      "userId": "2a11e620-1cc1-4ac6-90d1-18c4ed9cb913",
      "virtualOrganization": null,
      "discourseUsername": "Cameron",
      "groups": [
      "errorCode": 0
      "onlineFlights": 21,
      "violations": 0,
      "xp": 29984,
      "landingCount": 24,
      "flightTime": 2717,
      "atcOperations": 0,
      "atcRank": null,
      "grade": 1,
      "hash": "56099EA4",
      "userId": "66e362c0-894b-495b-93a6-75f9befa502d",
      "virtualOrganization": null,
      "discourseUsername": null,
       "violationCountByLevel": {
        "level1": 22,
        "level2": 0,
        "level3": 0
      "roles": [
      "groups": [],
      "errorCode": 0

LiveAPIResponse #

Response Type: application/json

Name Type Description
errorCode integer Enum: "Ok = 0", "UserNotFound = 1", "MissingRequestParameters = 2", "EndpointError = 3", "NotAuthorized = 4", "ServerNotFound = 5", "FlightNotFound = 6", "NoAtisAvailable = 7"
result [UserStats] Array of UserStats objects

UserStats #

Name Type Description
userId string (uuid) Unique identifier for the user
virtualOrganization string The virtual organization of the user’s forum account if linked. Can be null if not set
discourseUsername string The user’s forum username if the account is linked. If the account isn’t linked, this will be null
groups [string (uuid)] Deprecated - will be removed in a future update A list of groups the user can be a part of.
roles [integer] A list of roles a user has been assigned. See below for a list of main roles.
errorCode integer Status code of user query. Not in use for this endpoint
onlineFlights integer Number of flights carried out in multiplayer
violations integer Number of Level 1, 2 and 3 violations the user received in multiplayer
violationCountByLevel dict A dictionary with a count of violations issued to the user, split up by levels (Level 1/2/3).
xp double Total XP obtained in multiplayer
landingCount integer Total landings carried out in multiplayer
flightTime double Total flight time in minutes in multiplayer
atcOperations integer Total number of ATC Operations.
atcRank integer ATC Rank on the Expert Server. See below for the ranks. Can be null if user isn’t an IFATC controller.
grade integer The grade of the user, from 1 to 5.
hash string A short-form user identifier, shown in the app to identify anonymous users.

Roles #

The main roles are as follows.

ID Name
1 Infinite Flight Staff
2 Moderators
64 IFATC Members

ATC Ranks #

The ATC Ranks are as follows.

ID Name
0 Observer
1 ATC Trainee
2 ATC Apprentice
3 ATC Specialist
4 ATC Officer
5 ATC Supervisor
6 ATC Recruiter
7 ATC Manager